Maramataka Resources Updated

The Maramataka resources have been updated to align to the 2023-2024 year. Visit the Resources link to download the updated resource

Aronuitia te maramataka ki tā Te Arawa

Mānwatia a Matariki

Tuia ki te rangi. Tuia ki te whenua. Tuia ki te moana. Tuia ki te herenga tāngata. Ka rongo te pō. Ka rongo te ao.

“He kai mō te hinengaro, whāia ko te māramatanga, hai oranga mō te iwi”

“A storehouse of knowledge, for the enlightenment and wellbeing of the people.”


Our tūpuna perceived and organised time into a system called Maramataka. Over many centuries, they developed an intimate understsanding of their whole environment and the inter-relationship of all things within it. Humans were not at the centre of this system, but were one part of it.

Welcome to the online home of Ngā Pataka Kōrero o Te Arawa where we will share knowledge, ideas and resources with those who are keen to learn about the Te Arawa Maramataka.